Put a greenway, pedestrian connection, and revived transit on it!
Before: This abandoned railway corridor in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Wilmington, NC.
This abandoned railway corridor is envisioned as a phased "rails with trails" system (there are 3 phases shown: existing, greenway, and passenger rail). This would connect neighborhoods to a future multimodal transportation center, downtown community college campus and the Cape Fear River. These renderings we used to achieve support for the land to be leased from NCDOT for the greenway, on the condition it not prohibit the use of the corridor for passenger rail service. We hope to be moving from conceptual to detailed design over the next few years and adjusting the land development ordinance to allow greater densities in exchange for fronting directly onto the trail. - Allen Davis
After: Put a pedestrian and bicycle connection on it!
After: Put new transit connections on it!